<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
31 of July, 21:27

Media: the NATO Base in the Polish Szczecin will become permanent
The base of the multinational corps northeast " NATO in Szczecin will be extended to permanent and enhanced NATO bases, equipped Danish, German and Polish soldiers, the media says referring to the Supreme commander of NATO forces in the EU General Philip Breedlove.
The plan Breedlove involves a large stock of weapons, ammunition and food, and expanding the base, which will give an opportunity to place on it, if necessary, thousands of NATO soldiers, ITAR-TASS referring to the Danish newspaper Politiken. The Commissioner of the Danish contingent in Szczecin Agner Rokos confirmed in an interview to the edition, that the plans envisage increasing the willingness and ability of the NATO response with the Polish base." This will mean a significant increase in the number of Danish soldiers in Szczecin, which now reaches 20 people, " he said. Breedlove will officially present its expansion Plan Szczecinski base at the NATO conference in Wales in September. First of Breedlove made the initiative to deploy the rapid response in the Polish Szczecin. Remember, by the end of March Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the events in Ukraine have the opportunity to lead to changes in the approach of the North Atlantic Commonwealth to the admission of new members. For example, Rasmussen said that NATO will continue to expand to the East and strengthen its presence in the member States of the Commonwealth in Eastern Europe. In April, NATO decided to stop for a while interaction with Russia. In June Rasmussen at the meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs of NATO in Brussels said that the current relations between Russia and NATO, " Clearly, there is no trust ", telling about the security challenges, which seem to be coming to an organization from the East and South. However, in the capital of Russia challenged these claims. After the exacerbation of the situation in Ukraine, the head of the Ministry of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu said about the " unprecedented " growth of activity of the military might of the USA and NATO in Eastern Europe of the Russian borders.


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