<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
19 of August, 17:57

Losses " ukrgazdobychi " because of fighting in the Donbass already amounted to more than $9 million
The loss of the largest Ukrainian producer of natural gas and gas condensate Ukrgazvydobuvannia from fighting in the East of Ukraine has already reached 120 million (more than $ 9 million), informs on Tuesday, the press service of the organization.

" During the ATU many times was carried out theft and misappropriation of property on the objects of the organization, because of this the total number of losses from the fighting in the East of Ukraine has already reached 120 million UAH ", - said in the report.

Many objects had been suspended since the beginning of the special operation. On Tuesday 19 August began after the break, the work of Bohr, Kapitanovsky and Muratovsky installation of complex gas preparation. The functioning of other production facilities are locked.

at this time in the area of special operations units are 20 objects ukrgazdobychi ".

numerous anti-government protests were started in the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine at the end of February 2014. They were the response of local citizens to violent change of power in the country and the subsequent attempt to cancel the Verkhovna Rada of the law granting Russian the status of regional language. The center of the Pro-Russian opposition-minded people with power in Kiev became the Donbass. About how developed the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine.

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