<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
25 of August, 14:57

Former adviser to Helmut Kohl criticized the policy of Germany towards Russia
Punishment against Russia only exacerbate the situation which has arisen in connection with the crisis in Ukraine, said the former Advisor to former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl Horst Teltschik.
" Measures introduced only exacerbate the situation. Moreover, they are completely useless, " said Teltschik, RIA " news " referring to the Neue Westfalische." The U.S. and NATO should engage in dialogue with Russia, " he added Teltschik. Teltschik also believes that Germany should take on their own shoulders more responsibility in international relations and, together with other EU member States - France, Britain and Poland to have an impact on the resolution of the conflict.


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