<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
20 of September, 10:56

DND: Kiev confirmed his intention to exchange prisoners on the first day of the weekend
The Ukrainian authorities confirmed the Exchange of prisoners, which was planned for Saturday in the district of Donetsk, said the head of the Department for prisoners of war and refugees Donetsk national Republic Daria Morozova.
" The Ukrainian side agreed that the Exchange will take place today, " said Morozov, noting that the procedure planned before 13. 00, postponed to fifteen. 00 GMT, RIA " Novosti ". It is planned to exchange for 40 prisoners on each side." But if they will bring more, and we give more, " said Morozov. The exchange of prisoners began after the signing of the Minsk agreement to stop the fire between Kiev and militias. As said the Prime Minister Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, in captivity Donetsk militia held about 600 Ukrainian security forces. In DND told that some of the members of the volunteer " battalions " and machardie not appear in the list of the Ukrainian command.


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