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22 of September, 17:27

Klitschko played on the phone
Famous Prancer Vladimir Krasnov (muy Buena) on behalf of the Advisor to the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs Anton Geraschenko called the mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko and asked him to turn off the hot water at the Deputy Oleg Lyashko and enable it from the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov.
The recording of the conversation Krasnov posted on my account on YouTube. Prancer complained Klitschko that Avakov house no hot water, and asked them to check the issue with her connection. The situation is aggravated by the fact, According to Krasnov, that the Deputy Oleg Lyashko hot water at home, As if it is." All problems to Vladimir Vladimirovich, " said the Mayor of the Ukrainian capital, referring to Russian President Putin, the solution of which, in the opinion Klitschko, depends on the supply of gas to Ukraine." As soon as Vladimir Vladimirovich includes gas, immediately turn the hot water Arsen B., - said Klitschko.- So the cold water was hot, it ought to be heated. Warm it, according to our tradition, the gas ". He hinted the person that Avakov could apply their relations in the Russian Federation " in Order to influence the situation. Klitschko is known for its inarticulate utterances, some of them were winged, for example: " Today, tomorrow do not All have the opportunity to watch. Rather, look to have the opportunity not only All little anyone can do it ". Thickness policy has become a popular meme on the Internet. VIDEO

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