<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
24 of September, 11:26

Carpentry: the discharge of heavy equipment in Ukraine really is
Ukrainian Military and militias under the control of the commissioners of the OSCE began to withdraw military equipment from his position, said the head of the Luhansk national Republic Igor Carpentry.
" Already (removal of equipment) is being implemented. This all occurs under the control of the OSCE. They retard their technique, we procrastinate your technique, respectively. This is a normal process, signed by the parties, which is placed under the supervision and control of the OSCE. If this is not done, what then to agree?", said Carpenter, RIA " Novosti ". He said that LNR interested in the allocation of military equipment, not to expose the shelling residential areas. First of Donetsk militia, fulfilling the rules of prisoners in Minsk agreements, also took artillery unit from the line of contact with the Ukrainian troops. Remember in September in Minsk hosted two meetings of the contact group (representatives of Kiev, Russia and the OSCE) with manual DND and LNR. According to their results, were signed on 5 September an agreement on stopping the fire, and then on September 19, the final Memorandum of stopping the fire and the creation of the 30-kilometer zone on the contact line between the warring parties. However after the conclusion of these agreements Authorized militia was recorded by bombing from the Ukrainian army.


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