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8 of October, 18:51

Chevron until not started gas exploration in Ukraine, according to the organization
The American Company Chevron until not begun the exploration of shale gas in Ukraine, said Last news Commissioner of the Corporation.

The Ukrainian authorities many times has announced plans to increase its gas production to reduce dependence on Russian energy resources. For example, there are two major projects for the extraction of shale gas in Ukraine with the American Chevron and Anglo-Dutch Shell. However, the last in June suspended the project in connection with the events in the East. For several years discussed the construction project near Odessa terminal to receive LNG.

" We didn't start field exploration work in Ukraine, such as seismic or drilling. After signing the contract on production in November 2013 We do not stop to work with the government in Accordance with the terms of the contract, " said Commissioner organization, not explaining, when we are able to be started in Accordance with the agreement.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Tuesday made to the tax law amendments that are required to facilitate the work of the participants of the agreements (PSAs). The national Bank of Ukraine this week has allowed Chevron to open in Ukraine accounts associated with the project. The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the end of September, met in Kyiv with U.S. Commerce Secretary penny Pritzker and expressed hope that cooperation with us companies for shale gas.

16th June because of the billions of dollars of debt Kiev were stopped for some time deliveries of gas to Ukraine from Russia. Ukraine currently receives gas only on the reverse of the EU. According to the agreement with Norwegian oil and gas firm Statoil from October 1, Ukraine has started to receive natural gas from this organization through pipelines Slovakia.

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