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14 of October, 14:54

Hackers from Russia suspect in the surveillance of NATO officials
Russian hackers using vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Windows operating system In the past several years, access to computers bureaucrats NATO, EU, Ukraine, reports Reuters referring to the information specializing in cybersecurity organization iSight Partners.
most likely, hackers were interested in information related to the Ukrainian crisis, diplomatic documents, papers related to sectors such as energy and telecommunications, reports Forbes referring to the iSight. At the same time in the organization stressed that the hackers started their operation 5 years ago, i.e. long before the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine. In iSight stated that they do not know what data the result to get the hackers. The attackers used different ways to infect computers with malicious content, and in August began to apply vulnerability found in most versions of the Windows operating system, said in iSight. The company sent the appropriate information in Microsoft Corp. And did not disclose the available data as long as long as Microsoft doesn't fix the error. Authorized Microsoft said that the Company on Tuesday will release the automatic update for Windows vulnerabilities. The assumption about the fact that revealed cases of cyber espionage are exactly the citizens of Russia, based on the content of codes used by hackers, but also on the choice of targets, told in iSight." We see here a strong relationship with the Russian sources ", - said the head of the Department of cyberespionage iSight John Halquist. He said that evidence that hackers linked to the Russian authorities that the organization is no. The expert suggested that the hackers could have state support, as did liberteenage, not cyberattacks. According to information iSight in the early winter of 2013 in NATO was focused on relations with the EU letter containing malicious content, and the regional administration of Ukraine and the current in the United States Professor, with specialization in Russia, received a letter with a list of Pro-Russian extremists, which also contained a virus. Experts iSight found evidence that a number of Ukrainian government computer systems were infected with a virus, but was not able to remotely identify specific received damage, reports Reuters. Bloomberg referring to the available report iSight Partners informs that hackers have infected by virus dozens of computers owned by the governments of Ukraine and at least one of the countries of Western Europe, NATO and Polish energy organization. In the end, the Attackers were able to access e-mail, Power Point presentations and encryption keys to sensitive documents, the report says. First Tuesday journal Daily Mail accused the Russian programmer and administrator Internet-representations in mass " plum " in the world Network of photos and videos of Nude celebrities. However, concrete evidence printed result was not.


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