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19 of October, 14:51

The NSDC of Ukraine informs that for the last day wounded 13 security forces
The Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of Ukraine said on Sunday that for the last day has been damaged body 13 of the Ukrainian voennosluzhashih, casualties of security forces there.

" for the last day of the dead among the Ukrainian military there, wounded 13 soldiers, according to the report of the Council on Twitter.

The Council also informs that in the first day of the weekend in the evening close to Mariupol was recorded flight of a UAV route " Mariupol-Kominternu ". In addition, According to the Agency, the militia made an unsuccessful attempt to Donetsk airport.

Kyiv authorities began in April in the East of Ukraine military operation against dissatisfied with the February coup d'etat residents. According to the UN fifteen October, the victims of the conflict were more than 3, 7 thousands of civilians, more than 9 thousand were injured body. With the mediation of the OSCE and Russia agreed a truce with the 5 September. In General, it is observed, however, the parties accuse each loved one in its violation, for example, occur periodically shooting at Donetsk airport. In DND claim that the military are from this place shelling of residential areas and militias should open return fire.

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