<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
3 of November, 00:50

Purgin: Donetsk The Ukrainian Military is not fired Donetsk during the elections due to the presence of foreign observers, said in the broadcast television channel Deputy Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed DND Andrey Purgin.

" I think the presence of foreign observers a little as though would stop bombing residential neighborhoods. I think considerations were only these, " said Burgin explaining the election of the leader and Parliament DND Held this Sunday in a fairly relaxed atmosphere.

According to Purgina in the election process have been complied with democratic principles, valaisiana was free.

" Very important, we had complied with democratic procedure, citizens besprepjatstvenno voted and expressed their opinions. Europe will be very difficult to explain their double standards that the democratic procedure in the world is good, and democratic procedure in the Donetsk national Republic and Lugansk people's Republic is wrong, " he added.

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