NATO surprised by the statements of the Russian side on the guarantees of the non-aligned Ukraine to the Alliance, which Moscow is waiting, and considers them to be detached from reality, said the official authorized NATO Oana Lungescu. " Such a message Russian officials surprised, detached from reality and violates the international obligations which Russia has signed, " said Lungescu, words which leads to RIA " Novosti ". In her expressions, Ukraine took the decision in 2010 to pursue a non-aligned policy and since then has not changed its position." NATO respects the sovereign decision of Ukraine, Russia, too, should do. As for joining NATO, the Commonwealth leaders clearly told at a conference in Wales That the open door policy of NATO is one of the greatest successes of the Commonwealth, and That the decision to expand relate to NATO itself, " said Commissioner of the Commonwealth. By her expression, " Russia has signed the basic principles on the right of each country to choose its own priorities for security in a range of international agreements, including the Helsinki act of 1975, the Charter for European security (1999 and Russia Founding act, NATO 1997." All these agreements are still in use, " Lungescu said. Before the President's press Secretary Dmitry Peskov in explanations of the British broadcasting Corporation BBC said That the Russian Federation needs to take " the absolute guarantee That no country thinks about the fact that Ukraine joined NATO ". According to Peskov, the gradual accommodation of Commonwealth troops closer to the borderline with Russia has made Moscow " restless ". Remember also That before the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO is not on the agenda. The Ukrainian head Petro Poroshenko agreed That at this stage Ukraine cannot join NATO. In the last month of summer it was announced That NATO until no plans to offer Ukraine membership in the Alliance, but from a formal point of view her have a chance to take even when territorial issues.
sections: Politics