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26 of November, 11:20

Firefighters brought water to residents of Shakhtersk in Donbass
The fire protection delivered water to the residents of Shakhtersk in the Donbass, said on Wednesday on the Internet representation of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic.

" Workers of the Mining units of the fire service, fulfilling the request of local authorities, two times per day he brought water to the residents of the city of Shakhtersk in the amount of 18 tons. Residents of this city until now not get a proper amount of water. Due to continuing fighting again deenergized Kirov and Novomoskovskiy water sites, water supply Kirov, Thorez, Shakhtersk, " said the report.

Kyiv authorities in April began in the East of Ukraine military operation against the people, dissatisfied with the February coup d'etat. According to the summary data of the United Nations, victims of the conflict were 4, 3 thousands of civilians, almost 10 thousand were injured.

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