<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
26 of November, 13:57

VKontakte has become a popular television The daily audience of the popular social network "Vkontakte" amounted to 2.18 million. This allowed us to stay ahead in the popularity of large Federal channels.

Among young people the social network "Vkontakte" has become more popular than big Federal channels. Investigation firm TNS Russia, everyday audience Moscow users of the website with a daily audience of 5 large channels running in addition in the city of Moscow.

The study looked at the inhabitants of Moscow in age from 12 to 34 years old. The results showed that in "Vkontakte" in the day go to 2.18 million people, while the audience First channel was only 1.06 million. This is the same as the STS and TNT were popular "First" - 1.25 million people. "Russia 1" 820 thousand, and NTV - 740 thousand.

Experts think that in such known social networks contribute to mobile devices, informs "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Through smartphones and gadgets social network of young people can be viewed even while watching TV.

"VKontakte" belongs to the holding Mail.ru Group and is considered the largest social network in Europe. In early January 2014 daily network audience of all ages amounted to about 60 million people. Website network is second in popularity in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan and 23 to fame in the world.

Earlier Days.Ru wrote that "Vkontakte" is planning to enter the China market. According to Chinese media, the 1st branch of the firm opens in Beijing.

As informs us China Daily, about the prospect of entering the Chinese market told was a visit to the PRC financial Director of Vkontakte Pavel Samoshkin. "The Russians spend webп? many times longer than the average users in other States, and perfectly responsive to online advertising. For Chinese companies, this means a profit," he said.

Therefore, we can conclude that followed Facebook Russian social network will attract Chinese advertisers on his site instead of working with individual users.
sections: Economics

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