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11 of December, 15:49

Ukraine suffers from the syndrome of " younger brother ", considers it possible Naryshkin
The state Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin considers it possible that Ukraine suffers from the syndrome of " younger brother " in bilateral relations, and Russia cannot be responsible for It.

" Did not agree that we have the syndrome of " big brother ". We do not have this syndrome. However, I do Not exclude that the other party has survived syndrome " younger brother ". I do Not exclude, but to us It is a bit dependent - preservation or the lack of such a syndrome, " said Naryshkin, speaking at the meeting, the discussion platform " Open tribune ".

Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ruslan Grinberg, speaking at the meeting, said that Russia, in his vision, there is the syndrome of " big brother " in relation to Ukraine.

sections: Politics

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