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12 of December, 01:20

The U.S. Senate adopted a draft law on sanctions against Russia
The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved a draft law allowing President Barack Obama to impose fresh sanctions against Russia and to provide military assistance to Ukraine.
the draft law Made by a number of senators - both Republicans and Democrats - gives the President the right to impose penalties against " authorized by the Russian Federation, as Well as organizations that are controlled by the Russian government ", RIA " Novosti ". For example, the Document provides for the introduction of sanctions with respect to foreign authorized " if the head of the U.S. indicates that they make significant investments in certain Russian projects related to oil ". In addition, it is noted that " if the Manager decides that Gazprom takes significant amounts of gas from countries in NATO, as Well as in such countries as Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, he is obliged to enter (against the company) punishment not later than 45 days ". Punishment Also have the opportunity to be entered regarding the " Rosoboronexport " and other Russian organizations. The document provides for the provision of Kiev direct military pomoshi that in 2015 is able to be allocated $ 350 million. The draft law provides for the allocation of aid to the Syrian opposition. This is due to the fact that the government of Bashar al-Assad has weapons of Russian production. Now the draft law will be submitted for consideration by the chamber authorized the U.S. Congress. The US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on Thursday said that the Russian economy has been dealt a double blow eventually entered against her punishment and falling oil prices. However, the head of Barack Obama on Thursday said that fresh sanctions against Russia does not need, if they are able to lead to the split of the coalition of the capital of the United States with the European Union. First on Thursday, the State Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin said that the head of Barack Obama, announcing the complete isolation of Russia, " lives in a world of illusions ". On Wednesday, Prime Minister Medvedev D. A., during an interview with Russian TV channels in response to a question about relations with Obama, I have noticed that they are not bad, but the current American administration is behaving inappropriately and unpredictable. Last week the head of Barack Obama, speaking to American business, said that North America will continue to exert pressure on the Russian Federation, preserving punishment and seeking from the capital of Russia change its political course. At the same time, Obama said that Russian President Vladimir Putin approach employs him politically in Russia, despite the fact that it completely isolates the Russian Federation on the international arena. on 12 September the EU and the US on the background of the progress of the Minsk agreements Between Kiev and militias Donbass about stopping the fire entered against Russia fresh penalties against financial, oil and defense industries. Also expanded the list of individuals who are under punishment.


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