Gazprombank tried to convince the company Ostchem Holding, owned by Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash, extra to repay the loan in the amount of 842, 5 million dollars, said the press service of the GPB. " due to the inability of Ostchem Holding Ltd. To fulfill obligations to Gazprombank under the credit agreement in the amount of 842, 5 million dollars, the Bank is forced to declare the loan and accrued the interest rate term to maturity " - quoted by RIA " Novosti " letter to the press service of the Bank. The Bank warns that in case of default of the loan and % to 30 December 2014, he will submit a claim for payment of the loan to the guarantors or four plants producing mineral fertilizers, within this group of organizations. In addition, the public will pay the compensation provided by the plants collateral - 5, 679 billion cubic meters of gas in underground gas storages of Ukraine.
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