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11 of January, 14:18

Poroshenko went to Paris to participate in the March in memory of the victims of terrorist acts
The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko went to Paris, where he will participate in the March in memory of the victims of the January terrorist acts, informs on Sunday, the press service of the Ukrainian President.

" the head of Ukraine went to Paris to participate in the March of unity, " said the report.

According to the press service, in the manifestation will be participating world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Ministers of great Britain, Cameron D., Italy Matteo Renzi, Mariano Rajoy, Latvia Laimdota Straujuma, Norway, Erna Solberg and Sweden Stefan Leuven and Director of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

The Russian delegation at the March will be led by Minister of foreign Affairs S. Lavrov..

The March will begin in Paris about fifteen. 00 (17. 00 GMT). The March will take place in 2 columns. The main - with the participation of heads of countries will follow from the Republic square to square the nation on the Boulevard Voltaire. Security will be brought police dogs with dogs, law-enforcement officers in plain clothes, on the roofs of houses will be on duty snipers.

A series of terrorist acts and PE began in France in the Wednesday morning attack on the edition of Charlie Hebdo. 3 days died 17 people, and among them three police officers. In the process 2 special operations on the last working day of the week, three terrorists were killed.

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