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11 of January, 19:18

Politicians have completed the procession in Paris as part of the March of memory
The head of state and government concluded the procession in Paris within the Republican March in memory of the victims of the terrorist acts that occurred in France.

Republic square in Paris, which started the procession was filled with people. Side by side were the head of the French Republic, fran?ois Hollande, Prime Minister of great Britain, D. Cameron, Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestinian national authority Mahmoud Abbas and the Leaders of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz.

The inhabitants of the houses adjacent to the route of the Republican March, met the column of heads of States and governments with applause and shouts. Leaders and officials moved a separate group with supposedly 2 hundred people. These were followed by the second group, headed by Leaders of different religious groups in France and certain policies.

After a moment of silence in memory of victims of terrorist acts Hollande expressed his gratitude to each of the leaders attending the procession. Currently, the head of France talking with the families and friends of those killed in the terrorist acts.

Sunday manifestation may become the most mass action in France for decades: 17 years ago 1, 5 million people gathered on the Champs Elysees in Paris, to celebrate the victory of the national team at the home world Cup.

A series of terrorist acts and PE began in France in the Wednesday morning attack on the edition of Charlie Hebdo. 3 days died 17 people, and among them three police officers. In the process 2 special operations on the last working day of the week, three terrorists were killed.

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