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16 of January, 12:20

Kerry explained his lack on the March against terrorism in Paris
U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry met with his French counterpart Laurent Tabasom in Paris, said that was unable to attend the March in memory of the victims of terrorist acts in the past Sunday, as I was traveling in Bulgaria and India.
Kerry, who arrived yesterday in Paris, on the last working day of the week will lay flowers to the building of Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket, where a week ago there was a terrorist acts, reports RIA " Novosti ". Before mass media of America and the users of social networks has criticized President Barack Obama for his decision to withdraw from the trip on the March in memory of the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris. Remember the past in France March of unity called one of the most mass protests in the country for decades. More than 3 million people joined the rally to commemorate the victims of terrorist acts. The event was attended by the head of the French Republic, fran?ois Hollande, Prime Minister of great Britain, D. Cameron, Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestinian national authority Mahmoud Abbas and the leaders of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz. Remember, a series of terrorist acts and PE began in France on January 7 attack on the edition of Charlie Hebdo. 3 days died 17 people, and among them three police officers. In the process 2 special operations on the last working day of the week, three terrorists were killed.


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