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23 of January, 11:49

Beijing: Western punishment stimulate the Russian-Chinese business cooperation
Anti-punishment in Western countries have the ability to stimulate the Russian-Chinese business cooperation, as well as among them in the financial sector, said the Deputy head of the State Department to oversee securities China van Jasin.
" Russia and China have already become a very important trade and economic partners. In terms of its economic structure and the two countries are highly complementary, especially in the field of energy. Imposed by Western countries on Russia's punishment can be, and have the opportunity in the economic sphere to do for her temporary difficulties, but they are not able to affect the development of trade and economic cooperation of Russia and China, " said van Jasin, quoted by TASS." On the contrary, " continued van Jasin, these penalties have the opportunity to open a very large space for the Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation."" Our countries are similar period in its development. In the areas of investment, energy in the total number of other areas we have great opportunities for cooperation ", - he said." I am convinced that caught the attention of van josin that the financial industry of China may continue to increase support for cooperation with the Russian Federation and to provide the necessary assistance to increase investment in the Russian-Chinese trade. First Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Igor Morgulov said that last year Russia and China managed to achieve significant progress in the development of energy cooperation, countries are confidently moving towards the creation of a strategic community in this sphere. Remember, in November, in the presence of the President of the Russian Federation and the President of China was signed on 17 documents on cooperation in various spheres, as well as among them on gas supplies via the " Western route ". Relations between Russia and the West deteriorated in connection with the situation in Ukraine. The EU and the US on the background of the progress of the Minsk agreements between Kiev and militias Donbass about stopping the fire entered against Russia penalties against financial, oil and defense industries.


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