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27 of January, 00:18

Churkin: Kiev propaganda interprets events in the East of Ukraine
Kiev propaganda interprets events in different cities of the South-East of Ukraine, said the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

Speaking at the meeting of the UN security Council on the first day of the week, the diplomat said that " Since the beginning of January with arms forces of Ukraine are in practice a continuous fire on the largest city of Donbass Donetsk. Just last week lost his life, at least 27 civilians ".

The Russian Ambassador Also said that violent attacks exposed Gorlovka, where last week lost his life 107 people, and about it, for some reason, not according to the Western media, is not claimed in this room our Western colleagues on the Board, and the Commissioner of the Kyiv authorities."

"The tragedy in Donetsk, when he was fired upon traffic stop, was not accompanied by any funeral marches in Kiev, nor the urgent convening of meetings of the Security Council," he noticed Churkin.

" With this background information the last days focused around 2 incidents: fire on bus in Volnovaha and residential district of Mariupol. It is clear why - both cities are controlled by the Kyiv law - enforcers, " he said. Also Churkin noticed that immediately after these incidents, the Ukrainian authorities informed about the fault of the militia.

" The tragedy of the last days traditionally used by Kiev to foment hysteria. From Kiev immediately go unchanged appeals to Western capitals about military financial aid, as Well as requirements to exert pressure on the Russian Federation. However, as soon as propaganda room worked, the interest in the unwinding of the plot and the investigation quickly falls, " said Churkin.

Kyiv authorities began in April in the East of Ukraine military operation against dissatisfied with the February coup d'etat in the region. According to the summary data, the victims of the conflict were 4, 8 thousands of civilians, more than 10 thousand were injured. The ninth of December in the Donbass began a consistent militias and security forces through the mediation of the OSCE another truce. On January 9, the intensity of attacks in the region has increased, and among them fired residential areas of Donetsk.

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