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27 of January, 15:48

Media: Poland ready to sell Ukraine any weapon
Poland is ready to sell Ukraine any weapon, but will not set him free, as this will weaken its own army, said on the radio the head of the Bureau of public security of Poland, Stanislaw kozey, reports.

"We are not so rich country," he said.

first Ukrainian Ambassador to Belgium and NATO Igor Dolgov said that Kyiv has requested additional military partners, and among them the countries-members of NATO, in connection With the deterioration of the situation in the East of Ukraine.

Kyiv authorities began in April in the East of Ukraine military operation against dissatisfied with the February coup d'etat in the region. According to the summary data, the victims of the conflict were 4, 8 thousands of civilians, more than 10 thousand were injured. The ninth of December in the Donbass began a consistent militias and security forces through the mediation of the OSCE another truce. On January 9, the intensity of attacks in the region has increased, and among them fired residential areas of Donetsk.

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