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4 of February, 12:49

Buchanan: USA run the risk of playing in someone else The US authorities should re-evaluate the rationality of their calls to supply weapons to the Ukrainian military, because America can join with Russia in the conflict over territories that are not for capital of the United States of no value, writes an American politician and writer Patrick Buchanan in the publication century.

The U.S. should not be involved in " someone else's civil war ", as the negative consequences of this step is obvious, and the benefits of extremely dubious. In addition, Washington should remember that no-one thought that should come into conflict with Moscow because of the ethnic enclaves that emerged after the collapse of the USSR - Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria. USA should remember about the fact that they " indulged coup on the Maidan, the result of which was overthrown an elected Pro-Russian government, reported in the publication.

"First of all, almost with full confidence we can say that if not us, then our allies will lose. Secondly, we will expel Moscow from Europe and further ottolknet from the West, leaving her no choice but to deepen relations with the developing China, " says the Creator.

for reviews of policy, the U.S. government forgot all caution and prudence, which were required to inherit from the times of the cold war. Predecessors of Barack Hussein Obama Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would not have reacted with understanding to the fact that the current head of the U.S. is at risk of armed conflict with nuclear power in Russia over 2 areas in Ukraine, which, moreover, was under the control of the capital of Russia during the reign of Catherine II.

"the U.S. has never been a vital the main interests in the Crimea or the Donbass, for which it would be involved in possessing weapons of the conflict with Russia," writes Patrick Buchanan.

The right one for US is the mediator's role in the peaceful settlement of the situation in the East of Ukraine, but not one of the parties to the conflict, he said.

sections: Politics

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