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14 of February, 21:01

Power LNR: militia has received an indication to stop the fire
The self-proclaimed militia Luhansk national Republic was instructed to stop the fire and pull technique, said the head of the Council of Ministers of the Republic Gennady Tsepkalo

"stop fighting across the front line with zero hours on Kiev time and hours of Lugansk time. The relevant document is the Decree was signed today, and orders were given to military units Lugansk people's Republic of stop-fire and withdrawal techniques, " said Tsepkalo.

dialogues " channel four ", held on 12 February, took place against a background of a sharp aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, instigated by the Ukrainian law enforcers who, having increased strength, began to storm the position of the militia. According to the results of the meeting of the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany adopted a package of measures involving, for example, a cease-fire in the Donbass with fifteen February, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and the development of a security zone.

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