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17 of February, 01:01

EMERCOM of Russia is ready to participate in demining in the East of Ukraine
EMERCOM of Russia is ready to participate in the removal of minefields in the East of Ukraine in case the respective official appeal of Kiev, said at a press conference in Geneva Minister Vladimir Puchkov.

The Minsk agreement provides for a ban on the installation of mine barriers in the area of security, and the ancient barriers must be removed. The sides 12 February came to an agreement on the ceasefire from midnight fifteen February and the withdrawal of heavy weapons in the next two days to create this zone.

"If there is any application from the official Kyiv authorized, we are ready to participate in this important humanitarian operations ", - noted the head of the Ministry.

Beams recalled that " Russia conducts a number of activities in the field of mine clearance ". This is, for example, " ammunition during the great Patriotic war in the far East during the civil war.

"in addition, Russia has several years of implementing international humanitarian demining project in the territory of Serbia. We, of course, there are specialized units, machinery and equipment, there are Experts who are ready to fulfill the task of clearing areas, " said Beam.

dialogues " channel four ", held on 12 February, took place against a background of a sharp aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, instigated by the Ukrainian law enforcers who, having increased strength, began to storm the position of the militia. According to the results of the meeting of the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany adopted a package of measures involving, for example, a cease-fire in the Donbass with fifteen February, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and the development of a security zone.

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