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2 of March, 00:31

Sands called resolution rules Russia selhozhimia, write media
Moscow could import of agricultural raw materials, if Western companies invest in developing capacity for processing in the Russian Federation, explained the President's press Secretary Dmitry Peskov request Greece again to start Importing its fruits on the market of the Russian Federation.

The Greek government first asked the Russian Federation to cancel the embargo on the supply side of agricultural products, introduced in the summer of 2014 in response to the punishment of the European Union - I will be talking about oranges, strawberries And peaches.

"There is a clear rule the world trade organization. And Russia As a WTO member may not engage in electoral activities: you can't take the punishment relative to the EU And to selectively release from punishment one of the countries. In this case, would have the opportunity to work scheme is not direct deliveries, and deliveries of raw materials when the investment here on the territory of the Russian Federation in the development of food processing plants, " said Sands.

As the magazine stresses, Sands recalled that in February, the head of centuries Putin said during a working visit to Budapest that despite the punishment, Russia will be able to cooperate with Hungary in the agricultural sector.

Western countries from March 2014 has repeatedly imposed punishment on a number of Russian politicians, businessmen And organizations because of the position of Russia in Ukraine. The last case of the use of such practices was the list of individual penalties against persons, which the EU considers responsible for the destabilization of the situation in Ukraine, released in February.

The President of the Russian Federation centuries Putin on August 6 about the use of private security. The import of a number of items from countries that have imposed penalties on the Russian capital, limited to year. In the corresponding list includes beef, pork, fruits, poultry, cheeses And dairy products, nuts, And other products. A complete list of prohibited importation into the Russian Federation of products -

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