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5 of March, 19:31

The Gatilov: Association of the Crimea with Russia saved him from violations of human rights
GENEVA, 5 Mar Elizabeth Isakov. The joining of Crimea to Russia saved the population of the Peninsula from violations of human rights, said on Thursday correspondents Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs Gennady Gatilov, explaining which began on 2 March at the Geneva session of the UNHRC.

"History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, but if we try to imagine what would have happened in the Crimea, not vossoedinit he voluntarily with Russia, the picture would have been horrific. So from a human rights point of view, " he said.

The Gatilov showed that now in Ukraine " with the filing of or With the connivance of the authorities in Kyiv continued gross violations of human rights, and the Russian Federation many times drew attention to this in the Council on human rights, and UN security Council ". Russia from the outset urged the conflicting parties to stop violence and to sit down at the negotiating table.

"However, certain Western countries, including those who have advanced attacks against Russia in the Council on human rights, overtly and covertly supported the use of force Kiev. About their disastrous consequences for human rights did not recall or did not want to remember, " said the Deputy head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

first in the process of opening 28 session of the Council of the United Nations human rights criticism about Russia expressed a number of Western countries, including Denmark, Austria, Poland and Latvia, as well as the Supreme Commissioner of the EU for foreign Affairs and Security policy Federica Mogherini. For example, they pointed to numerous violations of human rights among the Crimean Tatars, as well as the illegality of " the annexation of part of the territory of Ukraine ".

in response to this the Plenipotentiaries of the Russian delegation to the UNHRC many times explained the position of Russia in the Crimea, for example emphasizing legal and democratic nature of the referendum on 16 March 2014. In addition, it was noted the inadmissibility of the use of the Crimean residents or any part thereof in the form of "bargaining chip" in the geopolitical games ".

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