<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
6 of March, 10:02

Ukraine has made a proposal for the EU to take on their own shoulders part of the cost of filling the gas storage
Ukrainian authorities offer the EU share of spending to fill gas underground storage, if Europe wants to protect himself from the worst scenario in the winter, said the head of Ministry of Ukraine Volodymyr Demchyshyn.
according to the examination results of the EU, Ukrainian storages need to accumulate about 20 billion cubic meters of gas to ensure stable gas supplies to the European Union during the cold period, and the purchase of gas For this purpose must begin in April. Demchyshyn believes will be necessary to accumulate 14-15 billion cubic meters, according to the news Agency, referring to the wall Street Journal." We are ready to take on their own shoulders obligations under the baseline scenario, while the worst-case scenario may be, it will be necessary to divide, " said the Minister, adding that the worst-case scenario comes from the probability of cessation of gas supplies from Russia, cold winter and increased activity in industry in the EU. To accumulate additional 5 billion cubic meters of gas to Ukraine, According to the Minister, will require an additional 1, 5 billion dollars. Yesterday the Vice-President of the European Commission on energenius Maros Sefcovic said that the Commission has no opportunity to send additional reverse flows to Ukraine. However, on Thursday it was announced that "Naftogaz of Ukraine" transferred to Gazprom fifteen million dollars pre-payment for gas deliveries in March, which will last presumably for another five days of supplies. The advance payment was made once on Wednesday Gazprom has sent the company a letter, which showed that the prepaid Ukrainian firm volume of gas will last until the morning of 6 March. Similarly in the environment, Minister of energy of Ukraine Volodymyr Demchyshyn said that Kyiv hopes that within two to three weeks the issue of gas price from Russia for the period from April 1, will be fully resolved. Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak on Tuesday said that Moscow is ready to take measures to provide discounts on gas For Ukraine in the framework of the existing contract with Naftogaz by Gazprom, if there is proper circulation of the Ukrainian side. While Kiev believes that gas from Russia must cost in the summer, cheaper than $ 300 per thousand cubic meters.


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