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13 of March, 15:02

In the Parliament have called a protest in Kiev " proplacheno "
People's people's choice of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Anton Geraschenko declares that the rally in Kiev, the participants demanded the resignation of the mayor Vitaly Klitschko, is paid and custom.
"As I was announced today (Friday) on Khreschatyk for the money will be assembled crowd in 3 thousand people in order to conduct a fake rally against the policy of the President, Government and the Kyiv city state administration. The cost of participation per head came - 150 UAH (about $ 7 - approx. OPINION).... The total campaign budget for the organizers of popular discontent about five hundred thousand hryvnia (almost 23 thousand Dollars - approx. OPINION), " wrote Gerashchenko own Facebook." Up to 3 thousand Paid members will be required to meet in three points - near Besarabsky market, at the exit of the metro station Khreshchatyk on Khreschatyk and Maidan Nezalezhnosti. On 3 groups of titulek will gather in one flock, and intend to spend on the route - the Kyiv city administration, then the Cabinet, then by the national Bank back on Khreshchatyk, "said Gerashchenko, noting that power struggles are not expected" for 100 UAH combat tetushku don't hire ". Gerashchenko says that the organizers are relevant to the party's Opposition bloc ". According to him, customers shares want to make the visibility of popular protest against the policies of the President, the Government, well, for one potosmart the Kyiv city Council "." I initiated, and my assistants have developed a draft law on introducing changes in the criminal rule of recognition that the organization paid mass actions a crime, which must inevitably follow the sentence, " Gerashchenko said. Before the last working day of the week it was announced that the number of protesters on Khreshchatyk, demanding the resignation of the mayor Vitaly Klitschko, has grown To 2 million People who marched on Government buildings. Before that, the protesters blocked the Khreshchatyk, demanding the resignation of the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko, reducing utility rates. The organizers claimed that the protest " March of the white handkerchiefs can continue the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Bank of the country. We emphasize that this is not the first such action. Similar marches took place in Kyiv at the end of February. At the same time in the Ukrainian capital for a few days was a protest demanding the resignation of the head of the national Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Valeria Gontareva.


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